Alpha Lipid SDII – Enhanced Formula Can 420g
Low carb, high satisfaction!
- Great tasting protein & vitamin shake.
- Provides 40 grams of protein per day – up to 66% of daily requirement.
- 22 essential vitamins & minerals.
- Supports balanced blood sugar, helping to reduce cravings.
- Feel full without lots of calories.
Protein: Packed full of protein to fill and fuel your body naturally.
Ease: Simple to use with our weight management plan, making a healthy lifestyle easier.
Control: Supports blood sugar balance so your body works for you!
Designed to keep your hunger satisfied in between regular meals and assist in maintaining healthy muscle mass.
Alpha Lipid™ SDII™ is a vital part of the Alpha Lipid™ SD II™ Weight Management Programme, supporting healthy blood sugar balance and optimal nutrient intake. It’s an easy addition to your journey to feeling satisfied, healthy and full of life.
- 80% Soy Protein Isolate
- 5% Soy Fibre
- Minerals: Calcium, Phosphorous, Magnesium, Iron, Zinc, Manganese, Copper, Iodine, Selenium
- Vitamins: Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Niacinamide, Vitamin A, Pantotheic Acid, Vitamin 812, Vitamin D3, Riboflavin, Pyridoxine, Thiamine, Folic Acid, Biotin
Alpha Lipid™ SDII™ 体重控制方案
我们将提供您减重所需的所有辅助工具与帮助,於过程中每个步骤引导您正确的资讯。遵循我们的减重指南,只要您照着建议饮食摄取对的营养素,再结合良好的运动习惯,Alpha Lipid™ SDII™ 体重控制方案不仅能帮您达到理想的体重目标,在同时也将帮您打造多元全面的健康身体。
- 高蛋白丶低碳水化合物
- 高能量丶低卡路里
- 高营养价值丶不易饥饿
- 易於入口丶简单不麻烦
Alpha Lipid™ SDII™
- 减重专用营养食品,为健康的即溶高营养补给食品
- 富含大量蛋白质帮助维持血糖浓度及刺激肌肉生长
- 遵循方案一日饮用4杯即可为身体充满能量及饱足感
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